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Our Core Values

We all know that we learn more effectively when we’re engaged and having fun. We also learn more effectively when we feel happy, safe, and calm. Well - did you know that  laughing actually lights up your brain, releasing hormones that reduce stress and make you feel better. And not only are the parts of the brain that laughing lights up linked to emotion, they’re also linked to memory - so if you have a good giggle (or a cuddle) while you learn something, you’re more likely to remember it. 


This is why we at Fly High Stories make sure all of our projects encompass our philosophy of Learning Through Laughing - making fun and funny shows and other online projects to enrich and embed core early years and primary curriculum subjects. 

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Fly High Stories creates work that:
Opens up the possibilities of ‘play’ for children and their grown-ups
Looks at 'BIG' ideas & begins a conversation
Helps adults to discuss BIG ideas with Children
Reminds others of JOY and FUN
Inspires critical thinking through stories, song & art
Encourages & empowers children to feel excited and make big decisions about their future 





We’ve been making kindness a part of our working practice since the very beginning, but we want to be a bit more obvious about it - creating the #WeWorkKind hashtag and sharing it with both our industry and our wider networks is a way of demonstrating to everyone we work with that we think kind and we work kind - for ourselves, for the people who we employ (as freelancers) and for the people who engage us to make creative pockets of you for (and with) them. 


And we hope that  other people will too - so that we can create a network of other  companies who also want to demonstrate quickly and clearly that they also Work Kind. 


The five principles of We Work Kind are

We recognise, support  & encourage the fact that people have lives beyond their jobs
We pay
fairly and
on time. We value ourselves and our fellow artists
We use easily understandable language
on all our documents, including our contracts
We communicate openly & honestly and are transparent in everything we do
We care about diversity and inclusivity, and we amplify marginalised voices 

We hope that other companies will join up, add their own unique principles and put kindness at the heart of their practice. 


Why not join our our growing list of companies who are all part of #WeWorkKind. Download our toolkit below and put the beautifully designed logo on your website so everyone knows that ‘YOU’ work kind.

And send us your logo here so we can add you to our growing list of companies who are all part of #WeWorkKind.


And join in with the conversation online using the hashtag #WeWorkKind

We believe these principles can only be implemented if WE start with ourselves.

Jemma & Rachel, 

Co-Artistic Directors Fly High Stories

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We Work Kind Companies....

Tiny Light
Inside Theatre
Children's Theatre Digital
Flying High Stories

Fly High Stories creates work for family audiences with an emphasis on growth mindset and confidence building. We are inspired by a desire to create accessible stories on stage, screen and radio which children would be captivated by. We are committed to making work that can be enjoyed and understood by young audiences everywhere.

Part of :
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Flying High Stories Proud to be part of


Company Number: 11949148

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