it been a bit blowy out? We’ve been so busy at Fly High Stories that we’ve been swept off our feet!
We hope that, whilst you’re reading this, your fence panels are all mended and your shed isn’t bobbing along a river somewhere (if you’re in the UK this will make sense - if you’re one of our International Readers then this be utterly baffling, unless you’re aware that we’ve been battered by a number of rather windy storms in the last week or so).
February has been a hustley sort of month with lots of applications and development work going on behind the scenes. We’re hopeful of some Great Big Brilliant News in the next few months but meanwhile some lovely nuggets of joy and inspirational conversations have been keeping us going.
First and most wonderfully …
Jemma has been successful in her application to Arts Council England for a period of time to ‘Develop Her Creative Practice’ and learn more about graphic design and video editing - essential skills for her ongoing career and for us as a company. We are very very very proud of her and can’t wait to see the beautiful things she creates on her brand new computer (which she can now afford thanks to the DYCP grant!).
This course came to an end for Rachel (bar a networking Zoom with producers coming up in March) and she was delighted to be featured in a Screenskills Case Study about her experience on the course (which was entirely positive). As well as enjoying the learning and brilliant teaching from Myles McLeod, Rachel was also delighted to make some great new writing buddies who she hopes to meet up with at the CMC conference in July.
Create UK - Accelerate Film and TV
We were delighted to be selected as one of the 2022 cohort for this brilliant programme.
The second session was just as mind-blowingly useful as the first and has been very helpful in organising our development slate and polishing all our pitching materials, ready to hit the ground running at upcoming networking events and conferences.
Project Management
We’re continuing to support Fly High Friends, Sam Wilde and Arran Glass, with their ACE
funded projects - both of which are currently coming along excellently.
We’re also sending a huge Fly High Hello to Arran’s beautiful new baby.
NT Connections - meanwhile Jemma is continuing her fabulous work for the National Theatre’s Connections scheme and is now zooming around the country visiting youth theatres and supporting them to create brilliant productions for the NT Connections Festival.
We’re excited about:
Continuing to develop our Slate
Watching more episodes of Bluey. We love Bluey. But then again who doesn’t love Bluey? We’d love to visit the Bluey House one day!
We at Fly High Stories always love to chat about new projects and collaborations. Do please drop us a line HERE if you’ve got a project you’d like to chat to us about.